Protection Order

We Can Help Clients Swiftly Obtain Protective Orders

Protection OrderProtection orders can be a daunting process. We can help you put protections in place if you feel that your safety is at risk. At Solutions Based Family Law, our experienced attorneys will fight for the safety you and your children deserve.

Colorado courts provide a streamlined process for individuals to obtain protection orders. The streamlined nature of the process can be helpful in emergency situations but can also lead to unfair results.

Our attorneys understand the complex and sensitive nature of protection orders. Whether you need assistance obtaining a protection order or have been falsely accused of committing dangerous or threatening behavior, we have the experience to help you seek the outcome you need.

The Different Types of Protection Orders

Temporary protection orders are obtained ex parte, which means that the alleged victim presents his or her case to a judge without the alleged perpetrator’s knowledge or presence. If a court believes that the victim is in danger of imminent harm that can only be prevented by issuance of a protection order, then the Court will issue a temporary protection order.

The temporary protection order is effective upon personal service and may last up to 14 days. Within 14 days, the Court will set a date for a permanent protection order hearing.  This hearing coincides with the expiration of the temporary protection order.

permanent protection order hearing will determine if the protection order will be extended. At this time, the Court will hear testimony from both parties and additional evidence will be submitted.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

A person who has been falsely accused of domestic violence by a spouse or partner can lose access to the family home, parenting time, or other parental rights.

Falsely accused individuals must face additional undeserved challenges while going through divorce proceedings until they can gather and present the necessary evidence to show the Court that the allegations were unjustly made.

Our attorneys will work with you to minimize and repair the damage caused by false allegations of domestic violence. Call us at (720) 420-3610 or contact us online.