Spousal Support Lawyers

Comprehensive Spousal Support Arrangements

Spousal SupportAlso known as alimony or maintenance, spousal support is a financial arrangement one partner pays to another following a divorce. The amount and duration of spousal support is at the discretion of the court and based on various factors.

While child support is determined by formula and is relatively clear, spousal support is not awarded in all cases and is not always determined mathematically.

Because this is a grey area of the law, it is important to have a knowledgeable attorney who can guide you through the process. Whatever your circumstances, we are motivated to ensure that your needs are met during and after divorce.

Understanding Spousal Support Determination Factors

The court commonly looks at the following factors to determine support:

  • Whether one spouse is caring for small children and/or otherwise cannot work
  • The income and financial resources of both spouses
  • Length of marriage
  • The family’s standard of living before divorce
  • The property division
  • Each spouse’s earning potential
  • Tax implications of a maintenance award
  • Economic or noneconomic contribution to the marriage, educational or occupational advancement of a spouse

Speak with an experienced attorney today concerning your spousal support case by calling (720) 420-3610 or filling out our online form.